
From second mate to master

After obtaining his degree as a naval pilot and various experiences working in the Merchant Marine, Gamaliel de Santiago joined Naviera Bourbon Tamaulipas in 2007. He was hired on as second mate when he first joined the group: “I first sailed on the Pionero and the Bourbon Artemis, where I was in charge of the fire-fighting and rescue crews,” he explains. He soon joined the San Rafael as first mate. 

After two missions aboard this ship, he was offered the opportunity to rise to the rank of Chief Officer, and barely a year later, to Captain. Then he came on board the Bourbon Artabaze until 2012 when he was sent on a mission to Tuzla, Turkey to assume the duties of Commander during the conversion of the AHTS Bourbon Alienor which was transformed into a hydrocarbon recovery vessel. 

An examplary evolution of career

By the end of 2012, he was able to set sail, destination Tampico this time in the State of Tamaulipas where he still carries out his duties today on the same ship. “I am very proud to be on board Naviera Bourbon Tamaulipas, an excellent company, especially in terms of safety, and to be part of this highly professional team!” 

In the coming years, Gamaliel de Santiago plans to continue his career as part of BOURBON: “I want to be considered one of the best Naviera Bourbon Tamaulipas Captains and continue sailing with this modern, technologically firstclass fleet.”

Career path