
Jumper installation: a high precision operation

"Operation completed. Thanks everyone!" On the bridge of the Vissolela, an IMR vessel, the captain addresses the whole crew, mobilized for several days to complete this mission, in Block 15 off the coast of Angola.
Code Name: MON 418, the name of this 20-ton jumper installed on the Mondo field, at a depth of 743 meters.

While the operation began on December 18 on the vessel, its preparation goes back several weeks prior. In full coordination with the client, Exxon Mobil, the BOURBON engineering department conducted studies to ensure the success of the lifting and fixing of the jumper1 at sea .
These plans would enable the crew to have all the necessary information to properly position the supports that will receive the jumper. The goal of the operation: connecting the two central elements of oil extraction on a field: the wellhead and the manifold2 .

December 18, Sonils base - Angola

Loading is carried out jointly by Angolan dockers, the crew of the Vissolela, and the supervisor from Exxon. A lifting test is then performed on land to ensure that the vessel's crew and equipment will be able to install the jumper safely at sea once in place.

December 20, the vessel arrives at Block 15, Mondo field

Using its dynamic positioning system (DP), the Vissolela finds a suitable and comfortable position and orientation, based on the ocean current, wind and swell, to make it possible to put the jumper in the water safely and simply. The bridge chief holds preparatory meetings in order to identify the role of each person on the bridge and to assess the risks of the operation.

December 21 - 23 : launch and connection of the jumper

A dozen seafarers are mobilized. The bridge chief directs the operation by managing the movements of the crane hook and stabilizer lines. First, the jumper is lowered to a depth of 100 m by the main crane of the Vissolela, then to a depth of 743 m using vessel's winch, whose cable runs through the moonpool.
Now, 2 ROVs are deployed to ensure the correct positioning of the jumper, in order to make the connection between the well head and manifold.
Subsea operations and controls are initiated by the ROV teams and winch operator on board, under the supervision of BOURBON's teams and the client's representative.
With the operation completed, it's now time to precisely record what transpired and send the information ashore so that it can be analyzed with an eye toward continuous improvement. There's no time to waste, a new jumper installation is already being planned, on board the same vessel.


1 Jumper: Pipe used to connect two subsea structures (manifold, wellhead, etc.)

2 Manifold: Oil collector to allow the new well to come into production.


Jumper installation


The IMR Vissolela, multi-purpose suplly vessel, in operation of launching of jumper and ROV for Exxon


The IMR Vissolela, multi-purpose suplly vessel, in operation of launching of jumper

Subsea Services