Offshore support vessel: a guided tour!
Diesel-electric propulsion, class 2 dynamic positioning, 30% more cargo capacity than traditional vessels... PSV and AHTS vessels in the Bourbon Liberty series all feature genuine operational versatility, for both continental offshore and deep offshore applications. Guided tour of an AHTS Bourbon Liberty Series 200 vessel specialized in anchor handling and towing operations.

1/ Bow fender: Used to push another vessel and to absorb impacts.
2/ Bow maneuvering deck – with windlass: used for anchor handling at the port and at anchor, and for mooring.
3/ Navigation lights: used to indicate the type of vessel and which operation and type of maneuver is underway.
4/ Water cannon: pumps seawater and sprays it at 200 m/minute in order to extinguish fires on vessels and offshore facilities.
4 bis/ bow nozzles: produce mist that prevents the vessel from heating and facilitates the approach in fire-fighting situations.
stern nozzles: used to protect the vessel if a fire breaks out astern. There are 2 pumps below as well as 2 cannons.
5/ VSAT: satellite antenna for telephone, e-mail and data reception.
6/ Bridge: command post, largely glazed, it generally offers a 360° view of the outside environment.
7/ Store crane: used to load goods during supply operations.
8/ Winch: 2 reels for a) anchor handling operations b) towing. Source of power to carry out these operations.
9/ Tugger winch: horizontal reels used to move equipment during towing and anchor handling operations.
10/ Cable stop: safety feature, prevents towlines from deviating too far from the required angle of pull during towing operations.
11/ Steel-reinforced deck: steel allows the anchor to slide during anchor handling operations, as opposed to wood which is a non-slip surface.
12/ Wooden deck: for the storage of goods, the wooden surface prevents the risk of slipping.
13/ Shark jaw: hydraulic jaws that enclose the towline. They work as a blocking system.
Towing pins, removable cylinders used to position the towline or anchor chain further back. Towing pins define the zones where the towline passes, for additional safety.
14/ Roller: used to move the various cables astern, in order to facilitate towing and anchor handling operations.
15/ Capstan: a vertical reel that provides additional power for anchorage and anchor handling.